We are going out to Bo again probably on Friday 18th October with the aim of being in Bo for the consecration of the new Bishop who is Solomon Scot-Manga our current head. It is a huge honour for him and a very important ceremony, and as St Paul’s is an Anglican School he will continue to have oversight. We will be meeting with his successor Cecil Williams, and hopefully also taking part in the official opening of the new Senior Secondary School Block.
It will be a chance to get to know people at the school and church, to meet many of the sponsored children, to celebrate the school’s successes, and to forge new relationships for the future.
If you are at all interested in joining the visit which will last c.10 days including travelling, and cost c. £1,200, less for children, please contact Bruce Holben on holbenb@aol.com or ring him on 01234 514129.