BREAKING NEWS: School Approved at Last!

On Tuesday evening we received some fantastic news. After 11 years of pleading the Sierra Leone Government have finally approved St. Paul’s School meaning they will be funded by the state.

Up to now, teachers were being kept on the books of other schools so that they could be paid but for the first time, teachers will be registered by St. Paul’s and get paid directly.

Additionally it will mean that the school can push ahead with plans for Senior Secondary on the site. Currently pupils complete their 3 years Junior Secondary education at St. Paul’s but then must enroll at other schools to be able t complete there education to Senior Secondary level.

Below is a picture of the Approval Letter that headteacher Solomon collected from the Education Ministry in Freetown on Wednesday.

A huge congratulations to the school, and everyone who has supported St. Paul’s in the fight to finally get approved. We look forward to the months and years ahead as we embark on this new period in the life of the school and being able to continue supporting the school and its many pupils.